2009年6月9日 星期二


Climate differences example why one area of the earth’s land, another a grassland, and another a forests and why there are different types of deserts, grasslands, and forests caused by global air circulation.
Figure 5-8 shows how scientists have divided the world into several major biomes─large terrestrial regions characterized by similar climate, soil, plants, and animals, regardless of where they are found in the world.
The variety of terrestial biomes and aquatic systems is one of the four components of the earth’s biodiversity─a vital part of the earth’s natural capital.
By comparing Figure 5-8 with Figure 5-2 and Figure 1 on pp. S12-S13 in Supplement 4, you can see how the world’s major biomes vary with climate.
Figure 3-6 shows how major biomes in the United States are related to its different climates.
On maps such as the one in Figure 5-8, biomes are shown with sharp boundaries, each being covered with one general type of vegetation.
In reality, biomes are not uniform.
They consist of a mosaic of patches, each with somewhat different biological communities but with similarities typical of the biome.
These patches occur mostly because the resources that plants and animals need are not uniformly distributed and because human activities remove and alter the natural vegetation in many areas.
Figure 5-9 shows how climate and vegetation vary with latitude and elevation.
If you climb a tall mountain from its base to its summit, you can observe changes in plant life similar to those you would encounter in traveling from the equator to one of the earth’s poles.
For example, if you hike up a tall mountain in Ecuador, your trek can begin in a tropical rain forest and end on a glacier at the summit.
Differences in climate, mostly from average annual precipitation and temperature, lead to the formation of tropical (hot), temperate (moderate), and polar (cold) deserts, grasslands, and forests.

